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           CUSTOMIZATION - REPAIR -WARRANTY                       
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Warranty, Repair, & Protection plans


Here at Timeless Auto Brokers we make sure that our clients are protected from day one.  Even if you did not make a purchase through us we can still assist you at a fraction of the dealerships cost.  


1. Extended Warranty - While most people think that dealers make the most money on selling their cars, its actually to total opposite.  The place where the most money is actually made is "The Box", where the customer sits down with a finance manager and gets upsold on thousands of dollars of extra products.  Although, those products are very important the cost vs what its actually sold for on the retail side is about 3 times the real value.  The average cost for an extended warranty for a midlevel vehicle for one year is less than $1000 for a normal $100 deductible plan.  Dealers then turn around and offer it to you at payment increase to make it seem more attractive in a tactive of confusion.   "Here Mr. Customer we can give you an extra warranty for you vehicle for just an extra $30 dollars a month" Even though $30 dollars doesnt sound like alot you just paid over $1000 for something that cost the deal roughly $300.   During difficult times were all going through today, we want to make sure we treat you fairly.  All of our Extended Warranty programs show an MSRP, which is what manufacturers want you to sell them for, but we keep our profit margins low and fair.  Just as you've read throughout our page transparency is everything.


2. Repair -  If you just got into an accident, or something on the interior or exterior of your vehicle needs replacement or repair, we have our own shop that we refer all our clients to.  They are priced fairly, work with all insurance companies, and do the job at record time.  So even if you arent considering purchasing a vehicle please give us a call.


3.  Protection Plans - At Timeless we have an array of different products to cover you for the life of your vehicle ownership.  If its tire replacement, cosmetic rim repair, windshield repair, key replacement, or even 24 hour road side assistance we got you covered.  Give us a call at 855-E-Z-LEASE and one of our reps will setup an appointment to inspect your vehicle to find the best possible plan for you.


4. Lease Wear and Tear - Timeless has you covered even when your lease is up.   We have an excellent Wear and Tear plan that gives you coverage up to $5000 in damage and $200 toward excess mileage.   


Customizations - If you are looking to put a little extra flair to your vehicle let us know, we work with several customization shops that give us special pricing due to the large volume of work that we send them.   These shops include top of the line products, are efficient when it comes to timing, and are backed by a warranty.  Give us a call and let us know what you are in the market for and we will find the best prices for you in the market today.



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